Current Projects

Sectio Aurea XO

integrated solutions + combined expertises = smart success


SCHMITZ Cargobull - Wuhan/ China


Sectio Aurea team acted very successful on behalf of

SCHMITZ cargobull Germany as negotiator and

advisor in liquidation case of SCHMITZ Cargobull WUHAN.






Youjin Group - Free Trade Zone Shanghai/ China

International Business Import/ Export


Exclusivity for:

audiotec Fischer GmbH

Faunder Energy GmbH

JEMATIC InterProject GmbH

3plus living GmbH

Raumzenit GmbH

and many others .....





DFM - Deutsche Fenster Manufaktur

GmbH - Yanggu/China


From 2014 till 2016 Sectio Aurea team supported the

management of VIEWMAX windows&doors Ltd.

in establisment and improvement of a modern energy

saving PVC-window production



Shanghai Vöhringer Wood Product Co., Ltd. - Shanghai/ China


Since 2011 our team is supporting the well known producer of high end wooden flooring products and furniture. Target of our work was the implemetation of modern organization structures, movement to new production facilities and implementation of an ERP-System ( Enterprise-Resource-Planning ).



















NIEFOFF Sitzmöbel GmbH - Guangzhou/ China

Since 2010 Sectio Aurea-XO Ltd. is responsible for quality control of chair production in Guangzhou.






















PERMX GmbH - Shanghai/ China

Permanent Exhibition - sustainable presence in the Chinese market for German SME's