integrated solutions + combined expertises = smart success
Sectio Aurea XO, Ltd.
The meaning of the latin expression Sectio Aurea is golden ratio.
In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.
You find this golden ratio everywhere around you: in asthetics, in architecture, in paintings, in design, in music, in nature and in a lot of other fields.
Our intention was, to express with that name what we support you to reach:
A well balanced business between different cultures
For each problem exist a solution. Our way to solve any issue is to take over responsibility in our customers company and solve the things together with them from inside the company.
Asian mentality is different. Fastes way to reach progress is to show it on a good excample. That is the reason why we do not work like consultants. Why we go inside - work and live together with our Chinese partners. We show them how we do all the daily duties. So they see the difference between Asian and European work style. And they see the advantage of each of them.
Together we find out how to go ahead